With a bigger budget, a more ambitious script, bigger name talent and more action, humor and romance than than its predecessor, Gator, the sequel to White Lightning would seem to have it all. And while it probably looked that way on paper, the reality ended up being something not quite as good. While Gator does have some of the things that made the last film great.
Part of the blame (as well as the credit) surely goes to Burt Reynolds himself, who not only starred in the film, but took his first stab at directing. While I'm sure he was probably desperate to prove himself, the film tries to pack in too much drama, comedy, action, romance, and just about everything else, that it tends to lose any charm it might have otherwise had, amongst the plot holes, ham-fisted action bits, clunky dialogue, and humor that misses the mark.
Still, Gator isn't without merit, in fact much is quite good,and is a must-see for Reynolds fans.
The Good: Reynold's and his soon-to-be regular co-stars Jerry Reed and Lauren Hutton are all at their best
The Bad: So many plot holes...
Pairing: sweet tea
The Verdict:
**1/2 out of *****
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